Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Blog 1 – Senior Final Lesson/Interview Reflection

1.  What three lessons were most helpful for you to see, and why?

The three most helpful presentations I got to see were Matthew I. on Electrical Engineering,  a Small Business Management presentation, and Ana N. on Social Psychology. Matthew and Ana's presentations showed me the benefits of loving your topic and doing the research not only because you have to but to learn more about a field you genuinely want to be apart of. Ana also gave a great example of interacting with the audience and how this helps teach the topic to the class. The business management presentation helped me in a separate way as it showed me what not to do. His slides were sloppy and the color scheme did not match, he as repetitive with information, never cited his sources until the end and even then it was small font which wasn't readable, and above all else his activity was very obviously last minute and didn't have strong ties to what he EQ was on. 

2. List one thing that you learned about the senior project in interviews that will help you get off to a good start?

One major thing I learned from senior project interviews is keeping up with the blog assignments. It was explained to me how much the smaller assignments build up to the senior project grade and how the "big scary presentation" won't affect much of the grade as is believed by lower class-men. 

3. What topic(s) are you considering, and why?

The current topic I am considering right now would be business ownership. I have been given the opportunity to take over a flag football company that I have coached for for the past 4 years and I believe that doing a project on something in my life I would have to learn how to do would be interesting and beneficial to both school work and my job.

4. What EQ do you think might be interesting to consider in guiding a project like this? (Please don't worry about any sort of formula...we want this question to come from your genuine interest).

As a starting EQ I think the best way to put what I want my project to revolve around would be " What is the best way for a business owner to help make the best experience for the company and its clients?"

5. What are some ideas you have about finding summer mentorship?

A few ideas for summer mentorship is Bob N. who is the pervious owner of A.V.Y. Flag Football and has already promised to show me the ropes on running the business. Others I have looked into is the owner of the game store Gameology which I have become friends with over time as well as another close friend of mine Luke P. who is a co-owner of a cement distribution company in Souther California. 


  1. The flag football idea sounds intriguing. You will work at least 50 hours during the school year with Bob if you do this, right? I figured you would probably do football in some way, and I like the idea of working on a business doing something you love.

  2. Also, can you take the presenter's name off the lesson that was a negative example? I completely see what you mean on this, but it seems odd to call that person out on the internet!

    1. I adjusted the naming like you asked and just in preparing for the upcoming Fall season I have record almost 20 hours in work. I believe with having two seasons during the school year and expanding the advertisement the league does will put me over 50 hours of work.
